an up-and-at-em sandwich

in this guest post @mtully boldy combines salt, sugar, and an appliance resembling a medieval torture device to make a sandwich i desperately want to eat right now but can’t because he made it on the other side of the country.

we need to remember what’s important in life: friends, waffles, work. or waffles, friends, work. doesn’t matter, but work is third.

- leslie knope

as a kid i could never decide between sweet and savory for breakfast. now that i’m an adult i don’t have to make these kinds of trade-offs.

today we are mashing-up the classic, savory bacon, egg and cheese with sweet, sweet belgian waffles into a delightful breakfast sandwich.

here is how i made a belgian bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.

1. drop some bacon into a skillet. don’t fuss too much, we’re going to chop it up later. if you are fussing get some exercise or take a spa day.


2. mix-up your belgian waffle batter. give it plenty of beauty rest.


3. have an anxiety attack about today’s sandwich headlines. feeling despair, we move on.


4. spoon batter into the iron maiden of cooking devices and shut the lid.


5. while the batter screams, remove sizzled bacon from the skillet and towel off.


6. shatter your bacon into very small pieces. keep a cracked egg nearby as to say, ‘hey, egg, you’re next.’


7. decimate your eggs into a fluffy, liquidy mess; season with bacon and pepper.


8. ignoring their cries for help, pour egg mixture into a hot pan with a circular mold.


9. flay your cheese. i’m using smoked gouda, but most cheese with a low melting point will do.


10. turns out, things are going to be ok. reward your assistant for patiently waiting.


11. remove egg disc from the mold and flip; top with cheese.


12. liberate the belgian waffles, admire how much they have grown.


13. a belgian bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.


@mtully is a #homecook, dog father, sandwich connoisseur and a real jerk.